Programming Languages

Process PDFs with Your Favorite Programming Language

pdfRest empowers you to seamlessly integrate its robust PDF processing capabilities into your existing workflows, regardless of your preferred programming language. Whether you're using Python, JavaScript, C#, Java, PHP, or something else, pdfRest provides the tools and resources to get started quickly and efficiently.

Robust Code Examples for PDF Solutions

pdfRest's GitHub Code Sample Repository serves as a valuable resource for developers seeking further guidance on pdfRest integration. This repository offers a wealth of code samples and examples across various programming languages, providing practical illustrations of how to implement pdfRest's functionalities.

Additional pdfRest Developer Resources

  • API Lab: Test and validate with the API Lab web interface. Process files online and automatically generate custom code.
  • Language-specific tutorials: Find the right tutorial to learn how to integrate pdfRest with your chosen language for a smooth development experience.
  • API Reference Guide: Use the API Reference Guide to look up endpoints and understand how to configure pdfRest's API for specific tasks.

Start integrating pdfRest with your chosen programming language today and unlock a world of possibilities for your PDF processing needs!


Explore the many ways pdfRest can align your documents with your business objectives.

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A PDF is sent to pdfRest for investigation under a magnifying glass then sent to a ChatGPT bot for further analysis

Integrate pdfRest with ChatGPT to Generate PDF Info Summary

A PDF leads to a long text file which leads to a robot with the OpenAI logo and finally to a short form text file

Generating Summaries of PDF Documents using ChatGPT

Text from a PDF is passed to a robot with the OpenAI logo, who performs language translation

Translate PDF Text to New Language with ChatGPT

Generate a self-service API Key now!

Create your FREE API Key to start processing PDFs in seconds, only possible with pdfRest.