A copyright mark is applied to a PDF document to protect a person's original ideas and creative designs

Preserve Copyright with PDF Watermarking

Protect Your Hard Work by Applying Copyright Notice and Attribution of Ownership to Documents with the Watermark PDF API Tool
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Organizations invest a lot of time and money into creating content, for both internal usage and external release. The United States copyright system provides a means for content creators to label their work as original and protect their intellectual property. While the Supreme Court of the United States has said that to be considered original the work must have a "modicum" of creativity, we all know that far more than a "modicum" of work goes into it. It is the responsibility of the content creators to ensure that their documents are marked appropriately to preserve the copyright of the result of their hard work. The predominant way of doing so is by labeling documents with the notice of copyright and an attribution of ownership.

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The pdfRest Watermark PDF API Tool provides an easy and efficient means to mark one or millions of documents with notices of copyright. The tool enables copyright holders to personalize their notice, chosing the precise location, font, font size, color, and more. Utilizing the same technology that powers PDF watermarking in Adobe® Acrobat™, you will have the ability to automate the creation of copyright notices as part of your document lifecycle policies.

Proper copyright protections ensure that a company can protect their investments while also showing their customers that they value the content they have created through up-to-date notices of copyright. The Watermark PDF tool, one of over a dozen in the pdfRest API Toolkit, provides the ability for companies to automate this and many other workflows.

See our Secure PDF Documents with Protected Watermarks solution for additional capabilities to ensure that watermarks placed on PDFs are secured with SHA-256 encryption.

Code Example: Watermark PDF   |   Load this into API Lab↗

    curl -X POST "https://api.pdfrest.com/watermarked-pdf" \ 
        -H "Accept: application/json" \ 
        -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
        -H "Api-Key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
        -F "file=@PATH_TO_FILE/pdfRest.pdf" \ 
        -F "watermark_text=© 2023 Datalogics, Inc. All rights reserved." \ 
        -F "output=output_watermarked" \ 
        -F "font=timesnewroman" \ 
        -F "text_size=36" \ 
        -F "text_color_rgb=120,120,120" \ 
        -F "opacity=1" \ 
        -F "x=0" \ 
        -F "y=288" \ 
        -F "rotation=0" \

Watermark PDF

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